An innovative, integrated and sustainable business model
GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente) is one of the leaders in both the Spanish insurance and the global credit insurance sector, as well as leaders in the funeral business sector in the Iberian Peninsula. With steady growth and a widely established business, it has more than 8,600 employees and operates in over 50 countries. GCO is the seventh insurance group in Spain at the end of 2024 and carries out its activity through three companies: in the insurance business, through Occident and Atradius Crédito y Caución, which is the second largest operator in credit insurance worldwide; and in the funeral business with Mémora, the leading operator in Spain and Portugal.
The year in figures
Consolidated profit
5,997.7M€+3.5%Traditional Business Result
292.3+11.9%Credit Insurance Business Result
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Noteworthy events
Full texts issued to the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (CNMV)
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GCO integrate acts of corporate responsibility into its business strategy, focusing on transparent and responsible management.

Fundación Occident supports initiatives in the fields of research, business and education, social action, sport and the promotion of art and culture.