Press room

82% of Grupo Catalana Occidente's customers rate the video assessment service highly

"After having carried out more than 15,000 remote assessments in the first year of the service, the insurance group has collected the opinions of almost 700 insured persons on the video assessment service, obtaining very satisfactory results. "

Grupo Catalana Occidente has conducted a survey of nearly 700 customers to assess the video assessment service, one year after it was first introduced. One of the most prominent aspects of the insured person's work is the global quality of the service, where 82% of the respondents rated it very positively.

Among the data gathered in the study, 87% of participants highlighted the simplicity of the tool through which the service is provided, since the customer does not have to install any app or programme on their device. Firstly, the expert contacts the insured person and sends them an SMS with a link from which the customer gives their permission for access to the camera and audio on their mobile device, then the video call starts, and the expert guides the insured person in order to view the details of the incident.

In this way, 85% of respondents consider this process to be highly suited to their needs and expectations. In addition to its ease and convenience, customers also emphasised the time-saving aspect of video assessments, as well as the speed they provide to process the incident.

Another aspect best rated by customers who have used the video assessment service is the attention received by the expert and also the clarity of explanations made by these professionals during the provision of this service. Specifically, it was very satisfactory for 88% and 86% of insured persons, respectively.

Prepersa director Antonio Gutierrez explained that the remote assessment "has allowed us to see the different advantages of this technology, such as the agility and immediacy of the service, because in the same call, and provided that the customer agrees, the interview is carried out and, at the same time, the assessment is made." 

In this regard, Gutierrez stressed that Grupo Catalana Occidente understands video assessment as "a value-added service complementary to face-to-face assessment." Furthermore, the video assessment service helps to curb the environmental impact by preventing the travel of experts.

Implemented during the state of alarm

Grupo Catalana Occidente launched the video assessment service in March 2020 in order to adapt to the circumstances to be able to continue providing a quality service to its customers. For example, during the first two months of confinement, 50% of the "car" and 40% of the "miscellaneous" assessments were carried out through this system. That is, thanks to technology and its firm commitment to customer orientation, the Group successfully implemented the project. Until that time, all the expert assessments were conducted in person.

The rapid adoption of this technology was made possible thanks to Prepersa, a company within the Group with a 40-year history dedicated to the management of the networks of collaborators involved in the claims of the companies Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros, Seguros Bilbao and NorteHispana Seguros.  It also acts directly in the area of risk prevention analysis and in the assessment of claims. The current Prepersa team is made up of 64 people and the professional networks are formed of more than 2,560 collaborators from different areas of expertise.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes