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GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente) promotes road safety with a free rain repellent treatment for more than 1.3 million customers

"Customers of the companies Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao, soon to be merged into Occident, will be able to benefit from this promotion until 30 November."

According to the latest data from the DGT, it is estimated that the direct cause in 15% of traffic accidents that occur in our country is due to lack of visibility. A percentage that could be reduced with rain repellent treatments, which are essential to preventing rain from accumulating on the windscreen and impairing visibility while driving. Aware of this problem, GCO has launched its traditional campaign, which offers free rain repellent treatment until 30 November, through which more than 1.3 million customers will be able to benefit from greater protection on the road.

Specifically, customers of car insurance policies with windscreen cover from the companies Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao will be able to request this free service in which a rain repellent solution will be applied to the windscreen of the vehicle, increasing visibility when it rains. In addition, this product protects the glass against build-up of dirt, limescale, dust, and deposits and prevents the windscreen from freezing.

To benefit from the treatment, which lasts approximately 12 months, or 20,000 kilometres depending on the weather conditions, the customers of these companies can request the treatment by calling their insurer, where they will be provided with a promotional code and will be redirected to the nearest windscreen workshop assigned to the promotion.

The campaign is aimed at passenger cars, minivans, off-road vehicles and passenger vans for personal use. All the details of the initiative are available on the website of Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao.

GCO and its commitment to safer mobility

The insurance group launches several free campaigns annually to strengthen the road safety of its customers, offering products and services specially designed to this end. Apart from the rain repellent campaign, the companies that will soon be merged into Occident also carried out a free vehicle inspection service in the summer, focused on preventing breakdowns and accidents over that period of the year when there is an increase in road traffic.

GCO completes its series of actions by offering the free Emergency e-car service, a guarantee that already protects more than 11,000 customers of Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao. With the installation in their vehicle, the insured party has, among other services the eCall system, an automatic call system for emergency services after a collision, which allows response times to be reduced to provide assistance.

In the words of the Director of Motor Vehicle Insurance for Traditional Business at GCO, Rafael Moyano, "GCO is concerned about the well-being of our customers. In the automotive field, we strive to offer services linked to our car insurance policies that allow us to improve both the safety and the experience of our policyholders".

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes