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Fundación Occident renews its commitment to the Ecomar Foundation and expands the scope for collaboration

"The renewal of this agreement strengthens the commitment of both foundations to protecting the environment and raising awareness of the importance of sustainable development for future generations"

Fundación Occident has renewed its collaboration agreement with the Ecomar Foundation, reaffirming its commitment to protecting the environment, in this case of seas and oceans, as well as environmental training for children of school age. The aim of the alliance is to intensify joint efforts in the collection of waste on coasts and other areas, and incorporates the foundation's participation in the training of students in marine sustainability and conservation.

The collaboration between Fundación Occident and Ecomar is focused on two key areas:

1.       Collection of waste on beaches: Last year, to celebrate Insurance Day, the employees of Occident collected a total of 358.2 kg of waste. The corporate volunteering action will be repeated in 2024, again in Barcelona, Bilbao and Madrid (San Juan Reservoir). In the campaign, the Occident volunteers helped to preserve the environment by collecting waste from their local beaches and reservoirs. This effort not only improves the state of our beaches, but also raises awareness among the community about the importance of keeping the seas and oceans free from pollution.

2.       Environmental training for students: Fundación Occident supports the educational programmes and workshops organised by Ecomar, with which more than 2,500 children have been trained in the last year, promoting healthy lifestyles and respect for the environment. The ApS Ecomar educational platform, developed on Moodle, allows dynamic learning and is accessible by students of different levels. In addition, participants are invited to actively participate and to take action to care for their environment.

“Renewing our agreement with Ecomar is a sign of our firm commitment to sustainability and environmental education. We believe that the training of new generations and direct action in the protection of our environment are fundamental to ensuring a sustainable future and the regeneration of our environment. We are very pleased to collaborate with Ecomar and continue working together to achieve these objectives”, said Laura Halpern Serra, vice-president of Fundación Occident.

Theresa Zabell, president of the Ecomar Foundation added, “At the Ecomar Foundation, we thank Fundación Occident for its ongoing collaboration and support. This renewed partnership is essential to achieving our goals and to creating a positive and lasting impact on our communities and on the planet".

With the renewal of this agreement, the Occident and Ecomar foundations continue working together to achieve cleaner seas and oceans, involving the employees of Occident and the community in sustainable and educational initiatives.


Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes