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GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente) trains its mediators in hybrid sales

"These training courses are part of the strategic objective of the insurance group to provide its network of mediators with digital knowledge and tools to facilitate their day-to-day work."

The traditional GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente) business companies, which will soon operate under the Occident brand, are training their network of mediators in hybrid sales, in order to provide them with tools that streamline their work and allow them to give quick, personalised responses to customers. These training sessions, which, by the end of 2023, will have been given to nearly 300 Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao agencies, are part of the insurance group's strategic plan, whose main objectives include developing this network and helping it to grow. It is planned that this training in hybrid sales will gradually be made available to all the agency offices of the three companies.

The course is taught by GroWZ, a leading commercial consultancy firm in training, coaching and commercial consultancy processes, and it aims to help mediators adapt to the digital environment, and take full advantage of digital channels in their business. The programme focuses on showing mediators the opportunities and features provided by various digital marketing tools to raise the profile of their business and establish closer contact with customers, supplementing other channels such as telephone transactions, video calls and face-to-face contact. The programme also includes a digital analysis of the business of each mediator, as well as the preparation of an agency action plan.

In the words of the GCO Traditional Business Director, Juan Closa, "mediation is a fundamental asset in our business model and we want to provide mediators with tools that help them develop and grow professionally". Closa also stated that "the aim is to promote a hybrid business mentality and strategy, which combines personal advice with new sales tools and channels to respond to our customers' needs and preferences".

Digital tools as a method for promoting business

As part of its commitment to its network of mediators, GCO offers them various digital tools to promote the development of their business. One example is Needs Analysis, a platform that provides mediators with a product proposal adapted to the specific needs of each customer in terms of guarantees and prices. The tool informs customers about the main risks affecting them currently and in the future, as well as the most suitable solutions for coverage.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes