Press room

Grupo Catalana Occidente brings together more than 6,000 mediators during its Business Forums

"The event, which was held virtually over two days, analysed the progress of the insurance group's strategic plan and highlighted the role of mediation. "

On 1 and 2 February, Grupo Catalana Occidente gathered together online a total of 3,663 agents and 2,610 brokers from Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao, at a Business Forum in which the entity's perspectives for 2023 were addressed. This was a key meeting to convey the objectives and strategy of this new year to 6,273 of the company's mediators.

The CEO of Grupo Catalana Occidente, Hugo Serra, opened the conference with a speech in which he reviewed the insurance group's strategic plan and highlighted its network of mediators. "The mediation channel is key in our business model, as it represents more than 90% of the traditional business," he said.

Serra also explained to agents and brokers what the next advances will be in the Group's value proposition in digital health and solutions for the senior group, two areas that will be key in 2023, together with the improvement of the provision of services.

Meanwhile, the Head of Traditional Business, Juan Closa, highlighted the Group's solidity in all sectors, as well as the results obtained during 2022, which have led Grupo Catalana Occidente to fourth place in the insurance sector's premium ranking. In addition, Closa also took time to dedicate a few words to all the agents and brokers, "during 2023, we will carry out projects aimed at improving the effectiveness of commercial processes, in order to facilitate the work of mediators."

Directors meeting at Nortehispana Seguros

On 19 January, NorteHispana Seguros, a company of Grupo Catalana Occidente, held a meeting of directors, during which the previous year's results were presented and the improvements implemented in strategic products were highlighted: Funeral, Home and Pets.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes