Press room

Grupo Catalana Occidente creates two new products for access to private healthcare through the pay-per-use model

"Cosalud Well-being and Cosalud Well-being Senior, a modality designed for the over 65s, provides insured persons with all medical-surgical specialities and primary care services without any grace periods or pre-existing condition limitations, through a comprehensive medical directory"

Grupo Catalana Occidente has developed Cosalud Well-being, a new product that will be marketed through Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao, and that it is intended for customers who wish to access a wide-ranging medical directory of private healthcare providers, through an economic pay-per-use model, without any grace periods or pre-existing condition limitations, and at the same time with extra free services.

In addition to making all medical-surgical specialities available to insured persons; as well as primary care and diagnostic tests, it also offers wellness and health services that are not provided by public health, such as dentists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, preventive check-ups and cosmetic surgery. It also includes dental hygiene and a visit to specialists related to optical and auditory health, to the psychologist, paediatrician and nutritionist free of charge each year.

In this regard, to make a medical appointment, the insured person must select one of the 24,000 healthcare professionals and centres available in the specific medical directory for this service, where they can also obtain information about the doctors and find out the price of each visit. Once the day and time have been chosen and arranged, the customer only needs to identify themselves with the health card and pay a more competitive price for the consultation than the standard fee for the medical service that they have used.

Another benefit included in this insurance is the possibility to receive free medical care and guidance thanks to the video call service, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. By means of this video call service, which can be used as many times as required, customers can enjoy personalised assistance and guidance from a team of specialised doctors.

Solutions for people over the age of 65

Grupo Catalana Occidente has also specifically designed a modality for this new product for people over 65. Cosalud Well-being senior offers services designed for this age group, such as a free annual visit to the geriatrician and home care services such as physiotherapy, chiropody, purchase of medication or personal help. In this way, the Group continues to work with the objective of proposing insurance solutions to a group that already exceeds 20% of the total population in Spain.

The health director of Grupo Catalana Occidente, Alejandro Borbonet, emphasised that "Cosalud Well-being and Cosalud Well-being senior are designed to respond to the needs of a sector of the population that wants to access a quality healthcare system without having to queue up or wait for grace periods to end, and at a more affordable price than usual in the private sector." Borbonet also stressed that "at Grupo Catalana Occidente we are constantly innovating to offer products and services that meet the challenges posed by longevity in the well-being and protection of people."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes