Press room

Grupo Catalana Occidente improves its insurance for electric vehicles with new guarantees

"With the new product, the insurance group continues to invest in sustainability and offers one of the most comprehensive policies on the market for this type of vehicle."

Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao, companies of Grupo Catalana Occidente, have updated their insurance for electric vehicles with new coverage and services specific to this type of car. With this launch, not only has the Group strengthened its commitment to sustainability, it has also been able to offer its customers one of the most comprehensive insurance policies on the market in this segment.

Among other new features introduced in existing guarantees, new damage cover for the vehicle's charging cable and the private charging station due to acts of vandalism and cyberattack damage are highlighted. Travel assistance has also been improved, covering the towing due to lack of battery charging from km 0 and also offers the possibility of on-site charging. As for the replacement vehicle, the insured parties will now be provided with a sustainable vehicle. In addition, the policy includes, among other benefits, a help service to locate nearby charging points.

Grupo Catalana Occidente was a pioneer in the market with the launch of its first specific product for electric vehicles in 2009 through Seguros Catalana Occidente, a fact that demonstrates the insurance group's commitment to sustainability and the promotion of electric mobility. Furthermore, the insurer has sponsored Expoelectric since the first edition in 2011 with the aim of bringing zero emissions vehicle and renewable energies closer to the public.

As indicated by the Director of Traditional Business Automobiles at Grupo Catalana Occidente, Rafael Moyano, "our desire to respond to the needs of our insured parties and anticipating new market trends, 14 years ago, we set about designing an insurance policy for electric vehicles, which we have been expanding with new specific covers."

Electric mobility, a growing trend

As reflected in the latest data published by the Spanish Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (ANFAC), in Spain, more than 36,400 electric vehicles were registered in 2022, representing 31.28% more than in 2021. What's more, 48,100 plug-in hybrid vehicles were also registered. In addition to this data, the increase in the production of electric vehicles, whose manufacturing share increased by 37.5% in 2022, according to ANFAC, must be also added. Figures that demonstrate the growing interest of the population in acquiring sustainable vehicles that are adapted to the regulations stipulated by the European Union in terms of mobility, since, in 2035, cars equipped with a combustion engine can no longer be sold.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes