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Grupo Catalana Occidente launches a new advertising campaign under the slogan: "Life is for using"

"The insurance group continues to be committed to strengthening people's trust, while encouraging them to enjoy life."

Grupo Catalana Occidente has launched a new advertising campaign through which it wants to encourage people to enjoy life because, as its slogan says, "Life is for using". Thus, the insurance group once again stresses the importance of gaining people's trust so that they can overcome any challenge and reminds them that life is to be enjoyed.

The starting point of the campaign's two advertisement, each lasting 20", lies in a dialogue between a girl and her father. In one of these, a girl asks her father what the mid-life crisis, to which he explains that it is a stage in life in which you realise that you are no longer a child and that there are things you will no longer do. And so, he asks his daughter: "can you imagine dad on a skateboard?" To which the girl responds, assuredly, yes.

The second advertisement shows another father with his daughter on the beach, as she is about to go surfing. At that moment, she asks if he is also going go surfing, but the father rules it out, making several excuses: "Who, me? Yeah, right! In a tight suit, keeping my balance..." and adds: "can you really imagine your dad like that?" To which the girl firmly responds: yes.

These two situations reflect the barriers that adults often impose on themselves for different reasons, while from a child's perspective such limitations do not exist. On the contrary, they enjoy life as if it were a unique moment. Therefore, when girls say that they can imagine their father skateboarding or surfing, they are encouraging their parents to dare to do things that they think they were not able to do. In other words, the trust of daughters helps these parents overcome a barrier and, above all, encourages them to enjoy and not to miss out on good times.

"At Grupo Catalana Occidente we are convinced that gaining trust contributes to making people feel safe and protected.  We think that trust is a key value that can contribute to making their life better because trust reinforces people's positive attitude and enables us to take on challenges, however hard they may be", stated María José Álvarez, Director of Innovation, Marketing and Business Development at Grupo Catalana Occidente.

The campaign "Life is for using" will be broadcast on television and digital media, as well as on the social network profiles of companies that are part of the Group, including Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros, Seguros Bilbao and NorteHispana Seguros with the hashtag #LaVidaEsParaUsarla.

The creativity of the campaign has been in the hands of the advertising agency The Cyranos, the production has been carried out by Agosto and the media strategy has been entrusted to Havas Media..

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes