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Grupo Catalana Occidente launches Ahorro capital Élite, a new savings insurance product with a guaranteed rate of return of 2.80% over three years

"From the third year after taking it out, a quarterly revaluation rate will be applied, guaranteeing the net return of the product."

Ahorro capital Élite is the new savings insurance product launched onto the market by Grupo Catalana Occidente, through the companies Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao. With this product, the insurance group offers its customers' savings an annual revaluation of 2.80% over three years, resulting in an approximate annual net return of up to 2.15% for the customer. The product is intended for those more conservative customers who do not want to take any risk with their investments.

After the end of the third year of the contract, the new insurance policy of Grupo Catalana Occidente will apply a quarterly revaluation rate, guaranteeing the security and stable growth of customers' savings. To contract this product, a minimum initial contribution of €6,000 is required and, from the third annual period, a supplementary contribution of a minimum amount of €3,000 can be added.

Savings insurance policies are characterised by combining the savings product with life insurance. For this reason, Ahorro capital Élite offers an additional capital, with respect to the accumulated value, in the event of the insured person's death.

Ahorro capital Élite also allows the insured party to have liquidity through the total redemption period, which can be requested three months after taking out the policy. This liquidity is also extended with the possibility of partial redemptions, once the third year of the contract has elapsed. This product also includes free courtesy services. Customers who take out this insurance will have access to free telephone legal advice and telephone medical advice.

In the words of Núria Casasús, Director of Life Products and Traditional Business Pension Plans at Grupo Catalana Occidente, "saving has become one of our customers' top priorities. That's why, with the launch of Ahorro capital Élite, we are expanding our range of products offering the possibility of obtaining a guaranteed return, in order to provide peace of mind and security to all our insured parties, and to save flexibly."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes