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Grupo Catalana Occidente's workshops become the first vehicle repair network to receive the sustainable certification from Centro Zaragoza

"This is a mark that guarantees the commitment of vehicle repair workshops to sustainability and that certifies the development of their activity following environmental care criteria. "

The high-quality vehicle repair service offered by Grupo Catalana Occidente through the AutoPresto network of workshops has become the first to be granted the certification "Sustainable CZ Network of Workshops". This certification has been awarded by the vehicle research institute, Centro Zaragoza. With this recognition, the centre places value on the work and effort of the insurance group's workshops to develop activities focused on improving the environment and climate neutrality.

In this regard, a clear commitment to sustainability is crucial for Grupo Catalana Occidente. For this reason, its network of workshops has established activities in the field of sustainability that have made them worthy of the certification "Sustainable CZ Network of Workshops".  To grant this mark, Centro Zaragoza has developed an audit system with which it supervised and assessed the activity of the workshops in four key aspects: The repair of parts using sustainable methods, the reuse of reconditioned or recovered parts, the proper recycling of waste generated to reduce its environmental impact, and reducing the carbon footprint produced by the workshop itself, using renewable energy sources and green vehicles.

In addition to these aspects, issues such as the use of ecological or sustainable products and the implementation of more efficient processes and tools, as well as less contaminating, have also been evaluated in the Group's vehicle repair workshops.

In the words of the director of the networks of collaborators and experts of Grupo Catalana Occidente, Antonio Gutiérrez, obtaining this mark is "a recognition of Grupo Catalana Occidente's pledge to sustainability and reflects its firm commitment to offer a quality service that respects the environment."

The CEO of Centro Zaragoza, Carlos Arregui, highlighted the pioneering work of Grupo Catalana Occidente in obtaining the certification. As Arregui himself said, "reducing the consumption of resources, implementing more efficient processes, policies for repairing parts and managing the waste generated are fundamental pillars that workshops must take into account in order to be identified as sustainable. Centro Zaragoza's sustainable workshop certification is a great opportunity to highlight the many and very good environmental policies that are already being carried out in the workshops and by the insurance companies."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes