Press room

Grupo Mémora appoints Augusto Huesca as its new CEO

"The appointment takes place within the framework of a handover process, after the acceptance of the resignation of the current CEO, Juan Jesús Domingo, which becomes effective today 19 July."

The Mémora Group has accepted the resignation of its CEO, Juan Jesús Domingo, and has approved the appointment of Augusto Huesca as his replacement in an orderly transition of functions and responsibilities. The activities of Mémora, the leading funeral group in the Iberian Peninsula, encompass funeral services, funeral parlours, crematoriums and cemetery management. It owns or manages 150 funeral homes, 45 crematoriums, 39 cemeteries and has a staff of more than 1,500 professionals in Spain and Portugal, through which more than 50,000 services are provided annually.

The CEO of GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente), Hugo Serra, thanked Juan Jesús Domingo for the work he has carried out as the first executive of Mémora for ten years, highlighting "his key role in the development and consolidation of Mémora as a leading company in Funeral services, as well as his invaluable contribution to making a smooth transition from the moment we acquired the company".

Huesca holds a degree in economics and business sciences from the University of Alicante and completed the IESE Business School's Management Development Programme. In 1988, he joined GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente), where he has held several positions of responsibility over his more than 30 years of trajectory. In 2001, he was appointed CEO of NorteHispana Seguros, part of GCO, and in 2016 he took over Previsora Bilbaína, after being acquired by the insurance group, as well as the funeral business of the Asistea Group.

His appointment as the chief executive of the funeral group, which has been effective since today 19 July, takes place one year after the agreement was announced between GCO and the global investor Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (Ontario Teachers) for the acquisition of Mémora, and at the brink of the traditional insurance group's business under the new Occident brand. In this regard, it is planned to merge the companies Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros, Seguros Bilbao and NorteHispana Seguros in the coming months.

"I am thrilled to assume this new responsibility and I undertake it with the desire to continue developing Mémora as the leading funeral services group in the Iberian Peninsula, remaining faithful to the purpose of providing the best service to the families that place their trust in us; And with the support of the bank's most valuable asset, its human team", Huesca said.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes