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Fundación Jesús Serra receives the IMPULSA CULTURA Seal

"This acknowledgement certifies the GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente) foundation's commitment towards cultural initiatives and their promotion in society. "

Fundación Jesús Serra has received the IMPULSA CULTURA Seal, an acknowledgement from Fundació Catalunya Cultura certified by the Chair of Social Responsibility and Sustainability of the University of Girona and the purpose of which is to endorse the continuous and sustainable support of entities to cultural initiatives at the national level. The Seal acknowledges the GCO foundation's values and work in promoting cultural projects and activities with a major positive impact on society. 

In the words of the Evaluation Committee's members, "Fundación Jesús Serra is noted for its leadership in promoting culture, as well as in other fields, among which its support to research, teaching, social action and sport stand out". As part of the Foundation's acknowledgement, the jury wanted to highlight the large number of beneficiaries of the various actions carried out by the entity throughout the year.

It should be noted that since its inception, Fundación Jesús Serra has been collaborating with various cultural entities in promoting the sector, such as the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC), Fundació Macba and the Maria Canals International Music Competition's association. One example of its most recognised actions is the celebration of the Fundación Jesús Serra Poetry Competition. This year, it held its sixteenth edition, in which it promoted poetic creation among the youth and where the Special Poetry Award recognised the professional trajectory of poet Eloy Sánchez Rosillo. Among the foundation's most emblematic projects is "My turn to play!", which involves piano scholarships that foster universal access to practicing this musical instrument, in collaboration with the Maria Canals International Music Competition. 

To quote the Managing Director of Fundación Jesús Serra, Ignacio Gallardo-Bravo, "it's an honour for us to receive this certification, since we understand that culture, in its broadest sense, contributes directly and positively to meeting the most essential goals in achieving social cohesion and preserving the principle of equal opportunities. Since Fundación Jesús Serra's inception, culture has been one of the pillars on which our entire social programme has been based, and the fact that it has been certified by the Chair of Social Responsibility and Sustainability of the University of Girona is an endorsement thereof." 



IMPULSA CULTURA is a certification created in 2019 by Fundació Catalunya Cultura, in collaboration with the Chair of Social Responsibility and Sustainability of the University of Girona, that aims to strengthen the positioning of companies opting for a long-term impact economy that goes beyond economic gain. It is the only acknowledgement in Europe that distinguishes and lends prestige to entities for their support to culture and that positions organisations as agents of change and sustainable development in society. 


Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes