Press room

NorteHispana Seguros sponsors the BMX Talavera sports club

"This collaboration is part of the insurance company's commitment to promoting sport among the youngest members of society."

NorteHispana Seguros, a company of Grupo Catalana Occidente, collaborates and promotes this sport thanks to its sponsorship of the BMX Talavera sports club (Toledo), which is being renewed this year for the 2023 season. With this sponsorship, the company defends the values intrinsic to this discipline of cycling and shows its commitment to the youngest members of the population, encouraging them to pursue a career in this sport.

The NorteHispana Seguros brand will appear on the jersey of one of the club's categories and on its website and it wil also have a presence at the events it participates in.

In the words of the chairman of BMX Talavera, Javier Moreno, "the support of brands such as NorteHispana Seguros allows us to grow as a club and participate in top-level competitions, in which we can surpass ourselves and demonstrate the ability of our players."

Furthermore, the commercial director of NorteHispana Seguros, Juan Sánchez, said that "we are proud to support a club such as BMX Talavera that promotes sport among youngsters and transmits to them values of effort and achievement with which NorteHispana Seguros feels fully identified."

A season of successes

BMX is a cycle sport in which athletes leave from an exit located on a ramp of 3 to 8 metres and face each other on an obstacle and jump track, of approximately 340 metres, to complete the journey in the shortest time possible.

The BMX Talavera Club is made up of 45 riders of all ages who compete in the most outstanding races in the country. Throughout this last season, the club has won a gold medal and another silver one in the 2022 BMX Spanish Championship. In addition, it has also won a total of five gold medals, seven silver medals and six bronzes in the various trials held within the framework of the last edition of the 2022 BMX Race Spanish Cup, which ended on Sunday 13 November in Alicante, and at which the club's racer, Ángel Batres, was positioned as the champion of the competition.


Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes