Press room

NorteHispana Seguros promotes women's football with a new sponsorship deal

"The insurance company will sponsor the women's football club Pauldarrak next season. "

NorteHispana Seguros has shown its support for women's sport through the sponsorship agreement the insurance company has signed with the football club Pauldarrak. This way, the company belonging to Grupo Catalana Occidente, will promote the practice of this sport in the region of Biscay and highlights its continuing support for health and sport.

Thanks to this collaboration, NorteHispana Seguros will have a brand presence on the club's official t-shirts, in its creative resources and at the events in which the organisation participates, especially at a local level.

The club's President, Aitor Alonso, highlighted "the collaboration of brands such as NorteHispana Seguros reflects the importance and interest that women's football is generating today and allows us to compete at the highest levels."

The commercial director of NorteHispana Seguros, Juan Sánchez, stated that, with this collaboration, "our aim is to provide support to sports clubs in their professional growth, thanks to the values they transmit and their positive influence on society."

Pauldarrak, a club devoted to local women's sport

The Pauldarrak FKT women's club was created in the 2005 season in Bilbao, under the auspices of the San Vicente de Paul school. It has participated in several championships in Bizkaia and the Basque Country, and its star team has competed in the second Spanish national category.

Some of its players have also played in the Basque and national teams. The women's club now has ten teams and has made a name for itself as one of the clubs with the most teams and representation in Barakaldo.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes