Press room

Occident reaffirms its collaboration with the Professional Insurance Brokers Association of Jaén

"Under this agreement, Occident will be collaborating with the events organised by the Association of Insurance Brokers of Jaén in 2024, aimed at consolidating the role of the insurance broker in the region "

Occident and the Association of Insurance Brokers of Jaén have signed a new collaboration agreement for 2024, reaffirming the commitment of both entities to the sustainability and professionalisation of the insurance sector in the region.

Thanks to this agreement, Occident will be participating in the events organised by the Association of Insurance Brokers of Jaén throughout 2024, focused on strengthening the figure of the insurance broker in the region. The collaboration will provide local mediators with various promotional and training initiatives supported by the insurance company, such as the sponsorship of a seminar on the broker and a seminar for mediators who are association members.

The renewal agreement was signed at the Association's offices and was attended by Occident's southeast regional director for Jaén, Luis Miguel Ramiro, and the chairman of the Jaén Association of Insurance Brokers, Javier Ignacio García Gómez. Albert Arenas, Commercial Director of the Occident General Insurance division, highlighted that the renewal of the agreement demonstrated Occident's support for insurance mediators, who the company considers to play "an essential and indispensable role in the development of the company”. Likewise, García also underlined the importance of counting on a company such as Occident in the Association's panel of collaborators, and thanked Occident for its commitment to supporting professional mediation by collaborating in the different events organised by the Association.

Occident, a brand that supports insurance mediation

For Occident, the channel of agents and brokers, made up of a commercial network of more than 14,000 mediators, is key to its business strategy, as they represent more than 90% of turnover and act as the direct link between the company and its customers. Their in-depth knowledge of the market and ability to offer personalised advice make them essential to ensure the satisfaction and loyalty of the insured parties. Therefore, investing in its promotion is a priority to maintaining excellence in customer service and innovation in the insurance sector.


Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes