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Occident launches its new insurance for Motorhomes and Camper vans

"The company presents a product designed with specific coverage and services for this type of vehicle, whose demand continues to increase."

The caravanning sector continues to grow year after year, with more than 200,000 owners of motorhomes and camper vans who have travelled the Spanish territory during the months of July and August. Given the growing interest in this form of tourism, Occident has launched its new Motorhome and Camper van insurance, offering a broader optional coverage adapted to the characteristics of these vehicles.

As a new feature, the Occident motorhome and camper van insurance includes coverage of the campers' Civil Liability, which protects the insured party against possible damage caused to third parties, specifically to other users registered on the campsite where they are staying. In addition, the policy covers campers' sports material under the cover of damage, fire and theft, as well as damage to personal luggage. It also covers damage to the interior of the vehicle, such as breakage of worktops, toilets, mirrors or glass.

This insurance policy not only guarantees the comprehensive protection of the vehicle with specific coverage, but also offers a series of optional and courtesy advantages to meet the needs of drivers of these types of vehicles. In addition to compulsory Civil Liability for motor vehicles, the policy covers the Civil Liability of the insured party as a pedestrian or cyclist, damages caused by atmospheric phenomena, and those caused by a collision with hunting or domestic animals. The policy also offers legal defence against administrative offences, as well as accident coverage for both the driver and its occupants.

This insurance also includes the Emergency e-car service free of charge to customers who renew their car policy, and which is already used by more than 13,500 customers. This service includes the eCall system, which automatically calls the Emergency services in the event of a collision, significantly reducing response times and improving attention in critical situations.

In the words of the Occident Director of Motor Vehicle Insurance, Rafael Moyano: “The growth of the caravaning sector has been unstoppable in recent years, and at Occident we want to offer solutions that adapt to the specific needs of our customers, in this case of motorhome and camper van drivers. We know that this type of vehicle offers great freedom and flexibility, so we wanted to include innovative coverage such as the civil liability for campers and the protection of sports material. With this product, we make sure that our customers can enjoy their trips with total confidence and safety”.

As courtesy services for customers, the Automobile and Camper vans insurance includes legal advice over the phone, to consult on any legal and personal matter in relation to their private or family life; The telephone medical advice, which allows medical attention via the telephone or by video call in the Occident app, as well as consulting on social assistance and psychological advice.

The camper van segment, the new queen of caravanning

The boom in caravaning in Spain started to become consolidated in 2015, when sales of these vehicles went from 2,491 units to more than 9,000 in just four years (2019). With the arrival of the pandemic in 2020, interest in this type of vehicle increased significantly, as they allowed us to travel safely and offer greater freedom than other forms of tourism. In 2023, sales of camper vehicles grew by 20.8%, making it the most popular option in this category of vehicles, thanks to their lower cost and compact size, according to data from the Spanish Association of Industry and Trade in Caravanning (ASEICAR).

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes