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Occident launches a new issue of Ahorro capital Élite, a savings insurance product with a guaranteed interest of 2.50% over three years

"This is the fourth issue of Ahorro capital Élite, a product specially designed for conservative investors, which includes legal advice and telephone medical advice as courtesy services."

Occident has launched the fourth issue of Ahorro capital Élite, a savings insurance that responds to the growing demand of customers with a conservative profile who, backed by a favourable environment of interest rates, want to obtain a return without assuming risk in their investments in the medium term. In this regard, the product offers an annual guaranteed return rate of 2.50% over three years. After the end of the third year of the contract, it remains valid and will apply a quarterly revaluation rate, guaranteeing the stable growth of customers' savings.

The minimum initial premium for taking out this product is €6,000. From the third annual period, the saver can make supplementary contributions of a minimum amount of €3,000. As it is a savings insurance policy, in addition to offering a return on the invested capital, the product includes the coverage of a life insurance policy. For this reason, the payee will receive an additional capital, with respect to the accumulated value, in the event of the insured person's death.

Ahorro capital Élite also allows the insured party to have liquidity through the total redemption period, which can be requested three months after taking out the policy. This liquidity is also extended with the possibility of partial redemptions, once the third year of the contract has elapsed.

Finally, Ahorro capital Élite fully includes free legal advice and telephone medical advice guarantees, two courtesy services that are very well received by Occident customers. The telephone legal advice service enables insured parties to make enquiries to a lawyer 24 hours a day to resolve any legal issues that may arise in their private or family life, and carry out administrative procedures and claims for benefits to the Social Security Institute. The telephone medical advice is also available 365 days a year and allows you to contact a health professional by phone or video call to resolve medical queries.

Savings insurance is marketed through the network of Occident mediators, professionals who will advise customers based on their savings needs and objectives to guide them in the contracting process. Similarly, from the Occident app, the insured parties will be able to consult all the information regarding the product, such as the returns obtained or movements made.

A complete range of guaranteed savings products

Occident has a broad portfolio of savings products that can be adapted to all types of profiles, preferences and needs. For more conservative savers, the Ahorro capital range of products, to which Ahorro captial Élite belongs, guarantees the safe growth of your savings and, at the same time, you will have the advantages of life insurance.

“The new issue of our Ahorro capital Élite insurance reflects the interest that the products guaranteed by conservative savers are currently attracting and our commitment to attending to our customers in their investment needs, always with a medium- and long-term vision,” explained the Occident Director of Life Products Pension Plans, Núria Casasús. “Our extensive mediator network allows us to be very close to our customers, making it possible to provide personalised advice when taking out this type of product so that they can perfectly meet their savings goals,” she added.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes