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Occident restructures and brings together its individual accident insurance products

"The company has restructured and improved the range of products it offers to make it more complete and more accessible for both mediators and customers."

Occident has restructured its range of accident insurance policies with a view to facilitating marketing for its mediators and simplifying the policy contracting process. The company has thus regrouped the wide range of coverage and services provided by this type of policy, so that the commercial network can match the product to customers' different profiles and needs.  

Accident insurance guarantees the protection of insured parties in the event of an accident and/or illness occurring in the exercise of their professional occupation or in their private life, by paying compensation. Through two types of policy (Essential and Comprehensive), Occident individual accident insurance offers a full range of coverage, including death and/or permanent disability due to an accident, and occupational disability.

Essential Accident is a product with a very simple subscription model, comprising a closed package with basic death and disability coverage at a very competitive rate.

Comprehensive Accident is the most complete product offered by the company, with two types of coverage: Firstly it offers a guarantee for personal accidents, including numerous types of coverage and services, to protect you in all areas of life, whether professional or personal, and gives you the option of contracting substantial capital; secondly, it provides coverage for temporary disability, guaranteeing daily compensation if you have to take sick leave because of an accident and/or illness, and can be supplemented with accident coverage. This type of policy allows customers to include additional services such as healthcare necessary because of an accident, and dental, health and well-being services.

According to Antonio Tejero, Director of Occident Individual Insurance, “Occident's accident insurance is characterised by being one of the most comprehensive on the market. This product offers a wide range of services that can be adapted to all types of profile, with a new simple design that we expect to facilitate its marketing by the network of mediators.”

Occident's accident insurance policies are supplemented by optional coverage for accidents while travelling, designed to cover any healthcare expenses arising when customers travel (doctors, analyses, tests and hospitalisation, among others) plus repatriation and cancellation costs. This type of policy also includes compensation in the event of disability or death due to an accident occurring during the trip.

Finally, Occident accident insurance includes completely free legal advice and telephone medical advice, two courtesy services that are very well received by Occident customers. The telephone legal advice service enables insured parties to make enquiries to a lawyer 24 hours a day to resolve any legal issues that may arise in their private or family life, and carry out administrative procedures and claim benefits from the Social Security Institute. The telephone medical advice is also available 365 days a year and allows you to contact a health professional by phone or video call to resolve medical queries.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes