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Occidente, the brand that will unify the traditional business of GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente), strengthens its health offer and puts the focus on seniors

"Dental and podiatry consultations are the most requested reimbursable services for Health and well-being and Senior Health and well-being insurance, which have already increased to more than 6,000 insured persons."

GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente) has expanded the reimbursable services of its Health and well-being and Senior Health and well-being insurance polices, two products marketed through Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao, which will soon become unified under the Occident brand through an economic pay-per-use model, without any grace periods or pre-existing condition limitations. Both insurance policies, as well as providing customers with all medical and surgical specialities, primary care and diagnostic tests, also offer well-being and health services such as dentists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, preventive check-ups and cosmetic surgery.

In total, since its launch in 2021, its Health and well-being and Senior Health and well-being policies have attracted more than 6,000 insured parties. With a medical directory of more than 24,000 professionals and centres, both policies offer the possibility to receive free medical care and guidance thanks to the video call service, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

One of the differentiating elements of both policies is the reimbursable services. In this regard, insured parties covered with Health and Well-being will be able to enjoy an additional visit to the psychologist, paediatrician and nutritionist, thus having a total of two free visits a year. This is in addition to dental hygiene and the consultation of specialists related to optical and hearing health already available to date. Specifically, since the launch of the product in 2021, the most popular service for customers is dental, which gives access to a medical directory with more than 3,900 dental clinics in Spain.

Furthermore, the most popular services of the Senior Health insurance, a product designed for the over 65s that offers specific benefits for this group, are visits to the dentist and chiropodist. In this regard, to offer a more comprehensive service adapted to senior needs, policyholders will now have an additional consultation in psychology, diet/nutrition, chiropody and physiotherapy, thus having a total of two free annual visits. In addition, in order to deal with the dependency situations arising from post-hospital convalescence, a home care service has been included for after discharge from the hospital. Customers will have eight free hours of annual attention, where they can request various types of assistance: from accompanying them inside and outside the home, to supporting everyday actions, such as getting out of bed, cooking or washing.

It should be noted that, in order to meet the needs of third and fourth age customers, GCO also offers the opportunity to hire an innovative personal remote care device, in addition to being able to request continuous home care and a dependency advisory service, among other services.

In the words of GCO's Director of Health in its Traditional Business Line, Daniel Ciprés, "the attention to the so-called" third and fourth age" is a strategic point in our health sector proposal". In this regard, Ciprés states that "as an insurance group, we will continue innovating to offer products that guarantee the well-being of people and adapt to the new challenges of the population's longevity".

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes