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The traditional business companies of GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente) update their savings offer with the launch of two new guaranteed products

"The insurance group offers the most conservative profiles the new Renta Élite savings insurance and the third issuance of the Ahorro Capital Élite policy, with a gross return of 3.1% and 2.80%, respectively."

The traditional business companies of GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente), which will soon be merged under the new brand Occident, have updated their savings offer for the more conservative profiles with the launch of two new guaranteed products. Specifically, this is the new Renta Élite savings insurance and the third issuance of its Ahorro Capital Élite insurance.

Renta Élite is marketed through the companies Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros and Seguros Bilbao, soon to be Occident. The product, intended mainly for conservative investors who want to supplement their public pension income with a life annuity, has an approximate net annual return of up to 2.55% for the customer. This is a single premium income insurance policy, with a minimum investment of €6,000, so the amount of the income to be received is fixed at the time of contracting and is constant during the first 30 years of the contract.

This insurance offers, in the event of the insured party's death, the possibility that the heirs can recover the initial deposit. This income insurance also allows you to obtain liquidity by redeeming existing funds at market value.

In short, income insurance allows the customer to have an extra amount per month, which complements their ideal retirement for conservative and senior profiles, recipients of early retirement benefits or termination of employment and beneficiaries of other life or accident insurance policies. It should also be noted that these types of products have tax advantages in accordance with current legislation, as life annuities are classified as capital gains in income tax with withholding at source and with the right to tax exemption of between 60% and 92%, depending on the age of the person at the time of taking out the insurance.

Third issuance of Ahorro Capital Élite

At the same time, GCO is also launching the third annual issuance of its savings product Ahorro Capital Élite, through the companies comprising the Occident brand (Seguros Catalana Occidente, Plus Ultra Seguros, Seguros Bilbao and NorteHispana Seguros). The product offers an annual net return of more than 2% during the first three years.

Ahorro Capital Élite is a product intended for those more conservative customers who do not want to take any risks with their investments. To take out this product, customers need to make a minimum initial contribution of €6,000 and, from the third annual period, make a supplementary contribution of a minimum amount of €3,000.

Savings insurance policies are characterised by combining the savings concept with a life insurance policy. For this reason, Ahorro Capital Élite offers an additional capital, with respect to the accumulated value, in the event of the insured person's death.

It allows liquidity to be available through full redemption, which may be requested three months after taking the policy out, and after three years of the contract have elapsed, this liquidity is extended with the possibility of making partial redemptions.

Both Ahorro Capital Élite and Renta Élite offer completely free legal advice by phone and telephone medical advice.

In the words of GCO's Director of Life Products and Traditional Business Pension Plans, Núria Casasús, "Ahorro Capital Élite and Renta Élite are guaranteed products that have been created with the aim of providing peace of mind and profitability to savers with a more conservative profile, as well as offering them products that adapt to their needs and allow them to save flexibly".

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes