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The 5th edition of the Fundación Jesús Serra Research Awards has been launched

"These awards acknowledge the success of young researchers in Spain and support projects that achieve major advances in the field of nutrition and diet with an impact on health. Two prizes are awarded every year in the categories of basic research and clinical research, with a total endowment of €70,000."

Today marks the opening of the submission period for the 5th edition of the Fundación Jesús Serra Research Awards, by Grupo Catalana Occidente, directed at young researchers working in research centres, universities and hospitals in Spain and who within the fields of clinical nutrition and metabolism, genetics and molecular biology, epidemiology, oncology and cardiology have significantly contributed to the fields of nutrition and diet with an impact on health.

With a total endowment of €70,000, each year these awards recognise the careers and basic and clinical research projects of two scientists with outstanding contributions towards understanding the impact of diet and the metabolism of nutrients on the prevention, treatment and management of pathologies such as obesity, cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular and neurological diseases. 

The Fundación Jesús Serra Research Awards are open to researchers of any nationality who have been working in Spain for more than three years and who have not yet reached the age of 46 by the closing date of this call. However, as part of the Foundation's commitment towards gender equity, candidates may exceed this age limit if they have temporarily interrupted their career as a result of the birth or adoption of children, and their care during the first months of life. 

According to Federico Halpern, chairman of Fundación Jesús Serra: "Five years ago, we committed to supporting a growing community of researchers that are discovering not only which diets are more beneficial for our health, but also the role that each nutrient plays in our organism, whether it is to keep us healthy or when we develop a disease." 

The chair of the jury and director of the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), María Blasco, summarises her intention of continuing to lead the selection of winners as follows: "Thanks to this research, we are understanding better why a healthy and balanced diet contributes to preventing many diseases, including cancer. But there is still much to do and discover. That is why these Awards are so necessary, because they not only encourage research, but also help to raise awareness about how important our diet is for our health."

The deadline for submitting nominations for the Jesús Serra Research Awards extends from 24 January to 5 May 2023. Applications must be submitted via the website, a space that also includes the Awards' full rules and the composition of the jury, which features leading figures in the field of biomedicine. 
The Awards' dossier also includes the winners of previous editions.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes