Press room

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Almería Association of Insurance Brokers join forces to promote the role of insurance brokers

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Almería Association of Insurance Brokers join forces to promote the role of insurance brokers

"The entities have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at developing the sector professionally and promoting its activity in the region. "

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Almería Association of Insurance Brokers have signed an agreement, aimed at promoting and highlighting the role of these professionals in the region.

The agreement, signed by José Manuel Romero, Manager of the Almería branch of Plus Ultra Seguros, and Elena Linares, Chair of the Almería Association of Insurance Brokers, focuses on the shared goal of creating new opportunities for the profession. Within the framework of this agreement, the insurer will also be present at conferences, seminars and other activities promoted by the Association.

During the meeting, Ms Linares thanked Plus Ultra Seguros for its support, “which is not only beneficial for our members, but also for the development of the sector”. "By reaching this agreement, we are consolidating a long-term process of cooperation, reinforcing the work of brokers and improving the distribution and marketing of insurance in the province," she added. 

Mr Romero, meanwhile, emphasised that the agreement reflects the Company's commitment to brokers in Almería and underlined the key role that this group plays."Brokerage is one of the pillars of Plus Ultra Seguros' business model. Brokers play an essential role and, thanks to their professionalism and their direct contact with customers, they can offer them insurance solutions that meet their needs," he commented.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes