Press room

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Association of Certified Insurance Brokers of Alicante sign an agreement to promote brokerage services

"The aim of the agreement is to reinforce the commercial activity of insurance brokers in the province."

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Professional Association of Insurance Brokers of Alicante have signed an agreement to promote the commercial activity of insurance brokers and to provide support to the company's insurance brokers in the region of Alicante.

The agreement includes the promotion and presence of Plus Ultra Seguros in seminars and conferences organised by the Professional Association of Certified Insurance Brokers of Alicante. This new agreement will reinforce Plus Ultra Seguros' commitment to Brokers' associations and organisations throughout Spain, thus supporting the essential work of these professionals in the distribution and marketing of insurance products.

The agreement was signed in the offices of the Association of Certified Insurance Brokers of Alicante in the presence of the director of the Alicante office of Plus Ultra Seguros, Marco Serra, the chairman of the Association, Eusebio Climent, and the deputy chairman, Mariano Herranz.

Climent highlighted the importance of this new agreement as a key factor in the professional development of the company's brokers in the region of Alicante and which, "will increase the company's professionalism and improve the services it offers its clients."

Carratalá noted that this type of agreement reflects Plus Ultra Seguros' support and commitment to its insurance brokers. Our brokers play an important role in the development of the company's business, given their in-depth knowledge of our products and services as well as our clients' needs", he stated.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes