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Plus Ultra Seguros completes its range of legal protection insurance with three new products

"In line with its objective of offering a more comprehensive service to customers, the insurer has added to its range of protection policies aimed at companies, drivers and communities."

Plus Ultra Seguros has strengthened its legal protection and defence offer with three new products for drivers, communities and companies. In this way, the company provides customers with a wide range of insurance products that offer legal advice.

In this regard, the new Plus Ultra Seguros products provide an extensive network of specialist lawyers in different fields to guide and accompany insured persons in different legal procedures and processes, in person or online. These three services also offer claims management, such as breach of contract or non-payment of expenses. Specifically, the legal protection service includes supervision from the initial drafting to the processing and monitoring of the claim.

Each of these insurance plans also has specific coverage. In the case of Corporate Legal Protection, an exclusive information consultation service is made available that helps insured persons in decision-making and allows them to foresee situations of risk of non-payment by third parties. In addition to analysing the financial situation of customers and competitors.

Community legal protection, among other coverage options, includes the advance of payments related to legal processes of non-payment claims and damages caused to the community or in defence of its rights.

While Legal protection for drivers, in addition to legal advice and defence, includes different coverage options that guarantee the insured person's financial protection for the loss of points or temporary deprivation of driving licence.

In this way, the new products complete the legal defence range, together with the Family Legal protection and Defence from Plus Ultra Seguros, which offers the drafting and review of contracts and offers advice in the event of possible legal summonses. This policy also provides coverage for real estate protection and personal or material damage.

For the Plus Ultra Seguros' head of private customers, Susana Álvarez de Lara, the new products "guarantee support to customers in the different areas of their personal and professional lives." Álvarez de Lara added that the expansion of the offer "responds to the company's objective to provide a comprehensive solution for any person or company that wants to keep all its legal matters up to date with complete peace of mind, without losing time, effort or resources."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes