Press room

Plus Ultra Seguros confirms its cooperation with the Insurance Brokers' Association of Huesca

"Both companies renew their ties in order to reinforce their support and commitment through actions that boost the group's activity in the province."

Plus Ultra Seguros, a company of Grupo Catalana Occidente, and the Insurance Brokers' Association of Huesca have renewed their partnership agreement in a bid to consolidate the growth of brokers and strengthen their standing in the industry. 

As a result, the agreement will encourage the insurance company's participation in events, courses, seminars and other activities organised by the Association to support this professional network, and they will also put on joint activities that will let employees expand their knowledge and improve their services.

The agreement was signed in the Association's facilities in the presence of the director of the Zaragoza office of Plus Ultra Seguros, Sergio Botello, and the president of the Insurance Brokers' Association of Huesca, Carlos Laguarta.

During the event, Botello underscored "the fundamental role played by brokers in our business model", which is why their training efforts "will continue to focus on this essential group in order to provide these professionals with the tools required to offer customers the best possible service”.

For his part, Laguarta thanked Plus Ultra Seguros for "the trust they continue to place in the work of the Association and its professionals". The president also wanted to emphasise how the partnership provides "an opportunity to keep improving the skills of brokers while at the same time enabling the development of the industry by improving the distribution and marketing of insurance products in the province".

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes