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Plus Ultra Seguros expands its home insurance with new guarantees and services

"The insurer has also incorporated a modality designed for customers who carry out their professional activity from home."

Plus Ultra Seguros, a company of Grupo Catalana Occidente, has extended its Home Insurance with new coverage with the aim of offering the most complete product to its customers and, in this way, guaranteeing their protection and security at home. It also allows insured persons to adapt the policy to their needs and customise it with the options that best suit their profile. 

In this regard, the insurer incorporates guarantees such as environmental civil liability, which covers damages to third parties or the natural environment due to pollution; as well as another cover designed to compensate for the damages caused to the trees, garden and plants of the customer's home for different reasons, such as snow or hail. 

It has also added an urgent boiler repair service, which includes the displacement of a professional to the home and two hours of labour; and also a cover designed especially for pets, which covers the costs caused by accidents, theft or loss. 

Plus Ultra Seguros has also extended its IT assistance with services to help in the protection of personal data, making back-ups, data recovery and digital wiping, a guarantee that helps to delete all the information about the insured person on the Internet, as well as their profiles on social networks.

In the same vein, another new feature of the new product is the possibility of taking out a series of special coverage for customers who work from home. For them, the company has created the Professional Home package, an option that complements professional computer assistance with an office to repair office equipment, among other benefits. 

In addition, the new insurance includes telephone medical advice for its customers, which allows them to make video consultations, as well as request psychological and nutritional advice.

In order to expedite the process of issuing the policy and verifying the details of the property by the mediator, the product automatically incorporates data extracted from the land registry. It is also worth noting that it is possible to insure a garage or storage room that is not in the same building of the property.

The Director of Private Customers at Plus Ultra Seguros, Susana Álvarez de Lara, highlighted that "the company has strengthened its Home Insurance to respond to customers' new needs now that people spend more time at home." Álvarez de Lara added that "our goal is to offer the most comprehensive service and, for this reason, we continue to improve our products with more coverage and guarantees adapted to each family."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes