Press room

Plus Ultra Seguros reaffirms its commitment to the Professional Association of Insurance Brokers of León

"The renewal of the partnership agreement between the two entities aims to strengthen the work of brokers in the province of León."

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Professional Association of Insurance Brokers of León (Colegio de Mediadores de Seguros de León) have renewed their partnership agreement with the aim of strengthening the figure of the broker and promoting their activity in the province. In this way, the insurance company reinforces its commitment to the commercial development of this group.

Likewise, the agreement will also encourage the participation of Plus Ultra Seguros in events held by the Professional Association of Insurance Brokers of León to support the insurance brokerage network, which reaffirms the great value that the company places on it.

The signing of the agreement took place at the Plus Ultra Seguros branch office in León and was attended by the Plus Ultra Seguros's Northern Regional Director, Juan Carlos Delgado, the President of the Professional Association of Insurance Brokers of León, Ernesto Getino, the Association's Treasurer, Ana Rosa González and Julián Rejas, Plus Ultra Seguros's Director of Northwest Area Brokers.

Getino thanked the “continuous support that the association has received from Plus Ultra Seguros, a leading company that is committed to insurance brokerage and that pursues the constant development of the sector. Renewing this partnership makes it possible to strengthen the development of brokers, enhance their capabilities and, as a result, offer a better service to customers”.

For his part, Delgado stressed that the insurer maintains its clear and determined commitment to insurance brokerage in León, "an essential group which serves users in a direct and professional way and which allows us to offer them the product or service that is best suited to their needs".

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes