Press room

Plus Ultra Seguros reaffirms its partnership with the Professional Insurance Brokers Association of Jaen

Professional Insurance Brokers Association of Jaen

"Both organisations have renewed their collaboration agreement in a bid to strengthen the role insurance brokers. "

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Professional Insurance Brokers Association of Jaen have renewed their collaboration agreement with the aim of joining forces to drive mediation and collaborate in holding sessions and carrying out activities that promote the commercial activity of associated brokers in the province.

The extension of the agreement between both companies reaffirms the insurance company's support to brokers associations and, specifically, the figure of brokers, with the aim of promoting their commercial development.

The agreement was signed by the Plus Ultra Seguros Regional Director of Brokers in eastern Andalusia and Murcia, Alberto Bartolomé; and the President of the Professional Insurance Brokers Association of Jaen, Javier García. During the meeting, Bartolomé highlighted that the agreement reflects the company's commitment to brokers in Jaen. In this regard, he underlined the key role that this group plays for the insurance company. Thanks to this type of agreement, he added, "Plus Ultra Seguros has a wide network of collaborators throughout Spain, becoming the main channel for distributing insurance."

Furthermore, García thanked both companies for joining together because "it demonstrates the importance of brokers, a professional distribution network that benefits from agreements such as the one we subscribe to today to continue developing their activity, always through values such as trust and proximity."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes