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Plus Ultra Seguros receives the 'Best Company' and 'Best Broker Company 2022' prizes from the School of Mediators of Cordoba, Huelva and Sevilla.

"With the delivery of these prizes in the framework of the Insurance Meeting 2022 of the school, the insurer reaffirms its support for mediation. "

The School of Mediators of Cordoba, Huelva and Sevilla awarded Plus Ultra Seguros with the prizes 'Best Broker Company 2022' and 'Best Company 2022' prizes in the framework of its Insurance Meeting 2022. With these prizes, Grupo Catalana Occidente's insurer is recognised for its firm commitment to the figure of the mediator as the cornerstone of its distribution model.  

The collegiate members of the three provinces voted Plus Ultra Seguros for its commitment, support and level of attention to the mediation network. In the words of the president of the School of Mediators of Cordoba, Huelva and Sevilla, José María Moreno, 'Plus Ultra Seguros has amply demonstrated its commitment to working for the mediator activity, with the aim of contributing to and promoting the practice of the profession'.

Plus Ultra Seguros' Central-South Territorial Director, David Gil, was in charge of collecting the prizes. 'These prizes reaffirm our commitment to insurance through mediation and demonstrate the importance that these professionals have in the sector to offer a quality service', he said. He also explained that 'all our operational, training and technological efforts are always geared towards the mediation channel, which is made up of both insurance brokers and exclusive agents'. Finally, Gil thanked the entire sales team for 'their commitment and effort, which has made them worthy of these distinctions'.

The School of Mediators of Cordoba, Huelva and Sevilla was born from the decision to initiate a process of merger of the professional schools of the three provinces, with the aim of strengthening the institutional representation of the activity of the insurance mediator. Every year it holds the Insurance Meeting, two days in which they present all the latest developments in the sector and offer the possibility of networking among its professionals. 

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes