Press room

Plus Ultra Seguros signs a cooperation agreement with the Albacete Association of Insurance Brokers

"The insurance company and the regional institution will work together to introduce measures that improve the business activity of insurance brokers in Albacete."

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Albacete Association of Insurance Brokers have signed an agreement aimed at promoting the role of insurance brokers and introducing measures to highlight the importance of these professionals.

The agreement will also involve the participation of Plus Ultra Seguros in events organised by the Albacete Association of Insurance Brokers, supporting the group and reaffirming the high esteem in which the Company holds insurance brokers.

The agreement was signed at the offices of the Albacete Association of Insurance Brokers, the event being attended by Isabel García, Chair of the Albacete Association of Insurance Brokers, and Cándido Griñán, Manager of the Albacete branch of Plus Ultra Seguros. During the proceedings, both organisations highlighted the importance of the insurance broker as a key figure who provides a professional and personal service to customers.

Mr Griñán emphasised that this type of agreement clearly shows “the Company's strong support for insurance brokerage” and its “commitment to the development of brokers, an essential support for its business model”. Ms García stressed the importance of the agreement as "a key factor in facilitating brokers' business activity by contributing to their professional development".

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes