Press room

Plus Ultra Seguros signs a collaboration agreement with the Valladolid Association of Insurance Brokers

"The insurance company and the regional institution will work together to introduce measures that improve the business activity of insurance brokers in the province."

Plus Ultra Seguros and the Professional Association of Insurance Mediators of Valladolid have signed a collaboration agreement in order to reinforce and promote the figure of mediators within the province and carry out actions aimed at facing the new challenges of the sector. 

In addition, the agreement will promote the participation of Plus Ultra Seguros in the events organised by the Association in order to support the professional growth of brokers, which reaffirms the high esteem in which the company holds the insurance broker profession.

The signing of the agreement took place on the association's premises and it was attended by its chairperson, María José Laguna, and vice chairperson, Gabriela Hermosilla. The company was represented by the regional director of Plus Ultra Seguros, Juan Carlos Delgado, and the director of the Valladolid branch, Fernando Gimeno. 

In this regard, Delgado emphasised that "for Plus Ultra Seguros, the mediation network is a fundamental part of our business. The work of these professionals and their clear vocation for customer service allows us to offer a quality service to our insured persons." He also stated that "this collaboration will allow us to identify new opportunities of mutual interest." 

For her part, Laguna highlighted the importance of "cooperation that reaffirms Plus Ultra Seguros' commitment to mediation and its involvement in providing our collective with the tools and initiatives necessary to improve its capacity in the provision of services."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes