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Plus Ultra Seguros sponsors the wheelchair basketball Copa del Rey tournament

"The company joins the Spanish Federation of Physically Disabled Persons' Sports (FEDDF) to back the 41st edition of the most significant event in Spanish adaptive sport."

Plus Ultra Seguros has reasserted its commitment to adaptive sport by sponsoring the wheelchair basketball Copa del Rey tournament for the second consecutive year, now in its 41st edition. The championship, which will take place in the L'Alqueria del Basket pavilion in Valencia on 23 and 24 February, is a key event for adaptive sport and one of the longest-running competitions of the Spanish Federation of Physically Disabled Persons' Sports (known in Spanish as the FEDDF).

Plus Ultra Seguros' general sales manager, Luis Vallejo, pointed out that “for us, it is very important to support events of this kind, which aim to raise awareness in society and increase inclusion - values that we at Plus Ultra Seguros share, alongside those of overcoming obstacles and integration that this championship represents.”

The president of the FEDDF, José Alberto Álvarez, has also celebrated the insurance company's commitment to an event as important as the wheelchair basketball Copa del Rey tournament. “It is essential that companies support adaptive sport in order to raise awareness in society. There is no doubt that contributions like that of Plus Ultra Seguros allow us to hold this 41st edition.”

With this sponsorship, Plus Ultra Seguros continues the support it has shown FEDDF in recent years. The insurer sponsored the wheelchair basketball European Championship in 2017 and recently collaborated with this same federation at the “50 years of sport without adjectives” conference, with the goal of raising awareness about the barriers that disabled people have to deal with and their integration into society.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes