Press room

Seguros Catalana Occidente, sponsor of the FC Barcelona Coach's Campus

"With its sponsorship of the 24th edition of the Xavi Campus in El Collell, the insurance company reaffirms its commitment to supporting sport"

Seguros Catalana Occidente has signed a collaboration agreement with Campus Xavi, one of the summer clubs of reference organised by Xavi Hernández, coach of FC Barcelona. The 24th edition of the Campus at el Collell (Banyoles) and the 3rd edition of Las Sedes, a format distributed across several venues in Catalonia, allows Grupo Catalana Occidente's company to consolidate its commitment to promoting sport from an early age and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The campus welcomes children born between 2006 and 2015 so that they can learn and practise their sporting skills during July. In this regard, the support for this initiative from Seguros Catalana Occidente is materialised through the presence of the logo on promotional supports and also on the campus facilities.

The signing of the agreement was attended by the Branch Manager of Seguros Catalana Occidente Central Offices, Antonio Hita, and the Company's Territorial Director, Marc Martínez. On behalf of Campus Xavi, the person responsible for formalising the collaboration agreement was Oscar Hernández, brother of the footballer.

Hita pointed out that for the insurance company "it is an honour to support initiatives such as Campus Xavi, which not only promotes the playing of sport, but also promotes values with which we feel identified, such as team spirit, respect, improvement and effort." Hernández highlighted the importance of this sponsorship for the campus and added that "thanks to these types of agreements, young children can enjoy playing football in a natural environment and sharing time and concerns with the Barça coach."











Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes