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Seguros Catalana Occidente has improved its needs analysis tool to offer personalised support for each customer

"The new tool also allows brokers to provide this service remotely through any device, without the need for the customer to leave their home."

Seguros Catalana Occidente has improved its needs analysis tool with the aim of providing better support for insurance customers and offering them a wider range of options for customising products.

The needs analysis tool provides brokers with a product proposal adapted to the specific needs of each customer in terms of guarantees and prices. The tool informs customers about the main risks affecting them currently and in the future, as well as the most suitable solutions for cover, depending on the objectives and interests they express.

The variables considered in the Seguros Catalana Occidente needs analysis include customers' savings objectives, their saving profile (from the most prudent to the most dynamic), tax strategy, and their financial needs based on family income and the number of children.

The new analysis thus provides personalised support covering savings, life, health and death. Future needs such as retirement, paying for children's education and cover for disability or illness are also taken into account alongside current needs.


Faster and more flexible

The new tool is available in a responsive format and allows brokers to provide this service remotely, anywhere and using any device. Customers do not need to visit the broker, as they can contract the product with a digital signature. The new system will thus offer improvements in terms of convenience, transparency, flexibility, and sustainability.

"For years we have been promoting both tools and training to ensure that our network of brokers have the most up-to-date information and the most modern processes," said Raúl Lucena, business manager for Life at Seguros Catalana Occidente. "We are convinced that the improvements introduced in this tool will facilitate its use and lead to greater professionalism in interviews with our customers, making them more flexible, saving time, and offering advantages that set us apart," he added.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes