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Seguros Catalana Occidente launches a new app to improve its customers' experience

"Insured parties can access numerous services from any device, when and where they want."

Seguros Catalana Occidente takes another step in its customer service and focus strategy, through digitisation and new technologies, with the launch of a new app for smartphones and tablets. The app, available for iOS and Android, is designed to enable users to easily and intuitively access a whole range of features and services according to the products they have purchased.

Of these, the health section includes medical video consultation, a service (available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) that connects the insured person with a doctor, by telephone or video call, to answer questions and give professional advice. The technology brings the insujrer closer to its customers by offering personalised assistance and guidance from a team of specialist doctors.

The user can also manage the authorisation of medical tests; check their status; view copayments and reimbursements, and view the nearest hospitals and medical centres on a map.

Furthermore, customers who have taken out home or car insurance with Seguros Catalana Occidente can see up-to-date information on the status and progress of claims being processed. In the case of cars, it is also possible to declare the incident and to find in real time the nearest workshops that belong to the AutoPresto network. In the life section you can manage your savings; make contributions, and consult and download tax information.

Secure identification system

The app includes a secure identification system based on facial recognition or fingerprint. The tool also has a specific area from which you can do admin entirely autonomously, such as: change personal information; change or add a bank account; review the terms and conditions of policies; see bills, etc. 

The new application aims to streamline and improve our proximity to the customer. That is why it includes incorporates a chat for enquiries, operating from 9 am to 9 pm, and other telephone numbers of interest, such as contact details of the company's agents.






Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes