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Seguros Catalana Occidente renews its collaboration with the Kursaal theatre in Manresa for the 14th consecutive year

"The insurer demonstrates its desire to bring classical music and opera, among other performing arts, to the public."

Seguros Catalana Occidente has renewed its collaboration agreement with Manresana d'Equipaments Escènics, the company that manages the Kursaal theatre in Manresa (Barcelona), to continue promoting the performing arts, music, theatre and culture.

This way, the renewed agreement will allow Grupo Catalana Occidente to continue promoting artistic and cultural activities at the theatre in Manresa. Specifically, one of the most relevant actions of this union is the sponsorship of the operatic and classical music shows on the Kursaal programme. 

The manager of the Seguros Catalana Occidente branch in Manresa, Daniel Concepción, attended the signing of the agreement, along with the Manager of Manresana d’Equipaments Escènics, Jordi Basomba. Both highlighted the relationship they have had since 2007.

In this regard, Concepción stressed that with the extension of this sponsorship, "we make culture accessible to the residents of Manresa with a quality, varied and prestigious programme." He added that "our sponsorship strategy is based on using the transformative power of the performing arts, among other disciplines, to impact people positively."

For his part, Basomba emphasised that "it is an honour to count on the support of Seguros Catalana Occidente. Thanks to this relationship, we can continue to promote and position the Kursaal theatre as a cultural reference point, as well as attract new spectators."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes