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Seguros Catalana Occidente renews its sponsorship with Era Escòla, the ski school in the Arán Valley

"With this renewed collaboration agreement, the insurance company reaffirms its support for playing sports and promoting a healthy lifestyle. "

Seguros Catalana Occidente has renewed its sponsorship with Era Escòla, the ski school in Baqueira Beret (Lleida). With the ratification of this agreement, the Grupo Catalana Occidente company once again demonstrates its commitment to sport, both for the values it represents and for its positive impact on people's health.

Under the collaboration agreement, which will remain in force over the next four seasons, the Seguros Catalana Occidente brand will now appear on the new helmets and uniforms of the centre's monitors. The insurer's image will also be present on the school's new Ski Camp equipment, consisting of anorak and trousers.

With over 50 years of experience, Era Escòla is a benchmark in alpine, Nordic and snowboarding training, among other disciplines. For its part, the Ski Camp programme is aimed at children and young people, combining sports practice with leisure activities. Thus, through a formula that seeks to enable students to learn, enjoy and share experiences surrounded by nature, the programme has been consolidated in the training proposal of Baqueira Beret after 18 years of operation.

The Regional Director of Catalonia at Seguros Catalana Occidente, Josep Riera, highlighted the great pride felt by the organisation in its collaboration with Era Escòla, "a symbol of the Arán Valley that combines tradition, experience and enthusiasm, and that has taught many generations of skiers to enjoy snow, season after season." The president of Era Escòla, Jordi Arribas Goicoechea, thanked "Seguros Catalana Occidente for its support of our school on its journey since 2013."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes