Press room

Seguros Catalana Occidente seeks to consolidate the growth of its commercial network and to advance customer orientation in 2021

"The insurer brought together more than 3,000 mediators at its online sales conference to present this year's guidelines and new developments. "

The latest Seguros Catalana Occidente conference took place online during the first quarter of the year, bringing together more than 3,000 mediators from the company.

During the conference, the CEO of Seguros Catalana Occidente, Juan Closa, reviewed the most important milestones of the last year and explained the objectives of the insurer for 2021. Thus, some of its most important challenges will be to continue to drive the growth of the commercial network and to promote innovation to offer a more comprehensive service to customers.

"At Seguros Catalana Occidente we have a clear vocation to serve our customers. This makes us an approachable company that knows how to adapt to their needs," said Closa. The manager also highlighted the important work done by the mediators, as "they are an essential figure in the relationship with our customers." The CEO also thanked the mediators for their involvement in a financial year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, Closa stressed that in 2021, measures would continue to be promoted to foster the digitisation of commercial processes and initiatives that enhance the capabilities of mediators, something that "has been of vital importance during the last year, in which, for example, we have introduced the digital signature, enabling mediators to maintain commercial activity," he explained.


Improvement of products

The improvement of Seguros Catalana Occidnte products will also continue throughout this year. Thus, during the conference, the top management of the company's different branches announced several initiatives that will be launched in 2021.

In this regard, several of the most relevant products that appeared last year were reviewed, such as the new fully comprehensive insurance policy under the renting formula, the online fine management service and the home damage assessment service in the vehicle insurance sector.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes