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Seguros Bilbao, sponsor of Bera Bera women's handball club

"With this new collaboration agreement, the insurer reaffirms its support to sports and promotes a healthy lifestyle."

Seguros Bilbao, a company of Grupo Catalana Occidente, is the new sponsor of the Bera Bera women's handball club in San Sebastian. With this agreement, the company reaffirms its commitment to female sport, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population of the Basque Country.

As part of this collaboration, the Seguros Bilbao brand will appear on the court of the Bera Bera women's handball team at all the games played by the club as well as on the premises, and in all communication materials produced by the club and in the streaming of the matches. In addition it will promote "La mejor jugadora del partido" (The best player of the game), an initiative run on social media that consists of highlighting the most prominent player of each game.

Similarly, through this sponsorship, the insurance company will be part of the actions launched by the club within its Social Responsibility programme, with the aim of promoting women's sport and equality.  

In the words of the deputy general manager of Seguros Bilbao, José Manuel Ereño, "it is an honour to form part of projects that, like the Bera Bera club, promote sports with values as intrinsic to us as teamwork, the spirit of improvement and perseverance."

Bera Bera is one of the leading teams in the elite world of women's handball. In fact, it counts among its awards eight league titles, six Queen's Cups and seven Supercups.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes