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"Your city is full of pianos" arrives in Madrid with 10 grand pianos

"Fundación Jesús Serra, from Grupo Catalana Occidente, and the Maria Canals International Music Competition make Madrid the last stop of their recognized initiative "Your city is full of pianos" this year, a project which has filled the streets of such special cities as León, Granada and Barcelona with music. On Thursday 24 October, Madrid will be filled with music with 10 pianos in two important areas in the capital: the Salamanca neighbourhood and the Las Letras neighbourhood."

"Your city is full of pianos" aims to surprise Madrid residents with new special locations that will become authentic open air music venues, for all citizens and visitors to enjoy music and the piano in an unmatched setting. Thanks to the collaboration with the Las Letras Neighbourhood Traders Association, sites as emblematic as Plaza de Santa Ana, Alameda Street and Plaza Huertas host this initiative for the first time. An initiative that has been lovingly received by the capital for more than 5 years in locations such as Plaza de Independencia, the National Archaeological Museum and Plaza de Colón.

From 11am to 8pm, pedestrians, visitors, curious onlookers, professional musicians and conservatory students can join together at these 10 pianos to get to know "Your city is full of pianos" and the musical gems that make the initiative a reality. Among these 10 pianos, two concert grand pianos deserve a special mention, instruments that are usually only found in large auditoriums. These instruments are a Bösendorfer Imperial and a Yamaha CFIII; the other grand pianos are Yamaha C7 (parlour grand piano) and C3 (baby grand piano).

 The 10 pianos will be placed in the following locations in Madrid:


Las Letras Neighbourhood:

1.- Plaza de Santa Ana in front of Teatro Español

2.-Plaza de Santa Ana in front of the ME hotel

3.- Calle Alameda,15

4.- Plaza Huertas (Calle Huertas, 74)

5.- Calle Moratín with Santa María


Salamanca neighbourhood:

6.- Plaza de Independencia

7.- Archaeological Museum

8.- Plaza de Colón

9.- Calle Serrano with Calle Ayala

10.- Lázaro Galdiano Museum

The day's highlights can be shared on social media through photos, videos and messages with the hashtag #PianosMadrid.The “Your city is full of pianos” project aims to promote universal dissemination and practice of music through citizens' involvement. It is one of the highlights organised jointly by Fundación Jesús Serra and the Maria Canals Competition to bring music closer to the entire Spanish population.

"Madrid has always been an important stop for "Your city is full of pianos" and this year we want to delight and thank the people of Madrid for their support of the initiative, by expanding the locations and bringing music to the heart of the city. Having such important locations in the capital as Plaza de Santa Ana and Plaza Huertas will be emblematic, and we hope that it will be remembered and can be repeated for many more years", says the director of the Fundación Jesús Serra, Ignacio Gallardo-Bravo. Furthermore, Jordi Vivancos, director of the Maria Canals Competition, stresses the importance of this project through which “we have brought music and piano closer to the entire society and we can show and promote the involvement of the country's finest talents with the prestigious Maria Canals International Music Competition”. 

The close collaboration between Fundación Jesús Serra and the Maria Canals Competition has allowed this cultural activity to take place in several cities such as Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao, Seville, Cadiz, Malaga, Salamanca, Toledo, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia, Leon and Granada.

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes