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The "Your city is full of pianos" initiative turns the streets and squares of Madrid and Logroño into music stages

"In September, Fundación Jesús Serra and the Maria Canals International Competition filled both cities with grand pianos and outdoor music. "

"Your city is full of pianos", an initiative promoted by Fundación Jesús Serra, GCO (Grupo Catalana Occidente), and the Maria Canals International Music Competition, arrived in September at its two last stops —Madrid and Logroño— of 2023, after passing through Córdoba and Palma de Mallorca in spring. The citizens of both cities were able to enjoy outdoor music on makeshift scenarios that featured grand pianos. 

In the Spanish capital, 10 pianos —two of them grand pianos— were installed on 22 September in the neighbourhood of Barrio de Las Letras, the cultural heart of the city. Specifically, Plaza de Murillo and Plaza de Platerías became spaces where citizens could approach and interpret a score, accompanied by a professional musician.

As for the capital of La Rioja, on 29 September, seven pianos —two of them grand pianos— were distributed across the most important city sites for the first time in the initiative's history. The locals were able to play this instrument in spaces such as Plaza de San Bartolomé and Calle Bretón de los Herreros.

"Your city is full of pianos" is one of the most important projects organised by Fundación Jesús Serra throughout the year, and it aims to promote the dissemination and practice of music through citizens' involvement. 

The director of Fundación Jesús Serra, Ignacio Gallardo-Bravo, said, "We closed the 2023 tour of 'Your city is full of pianos' with two successes of citizen participation and a lot of diversity by playing music on the various pianos we make available to everyone." In this line, he also stated, "We would like to extend a warm thank you to the institutions, conservatories and music schools for their help and collaboration in each city we arrive at.

Furthermore, the director of the Maria Canals International Music Competition said, "We are very pleased to be part of such a delightful initiative as 'Your city is full of pianos'. Apart from bringing music and the piano closer to society, it also enables us to showcase the country's finest talents and encourage participation in our prestigious Competition." 

The close collaboration between Fundación Jesús Serra and the Maria Canals Competition has allowed this cultural activity to take place in other cities in Spain, including Barcelona, Bilbao, Seville, Cádiz, Málaga, Salamanca, Toledo, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia, León, Granada, San Sebastián, Zaragoza, Cáceres, Santander, Córdoba and Palma de Mallorca.

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Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes