Board of Directors

Federico Halpern Blasco

Federico Halpern Blasco
Federico Halpern Blasco


  • Born in Santander in 1942
  • Degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona
  • Degree in Industrial Insurance from the School for Industrial Organisation 
  • Degree from the Official School of Journalism in Madrid (1966)

Other relevant positions:

  • Director of Inoc, S.A. and La Previsión 96, S.A.
  • Member of the Advisory Committee of Grupo Compañía Española de Crédito y Caución, S.L.
  • President of Fundación Occident

Previous professional experience:

  • President of Riskia Centro Técnico de Gestión de Riesgos, S.A. (2002-2008)
  • Director of Mapfre América (1998-2002)
  • CEO of Atsyr, Correduría de Seguros, S.L. (1980-1992)
  • Bankunión, Markunión subsidiary, creation of financial assets and UNIVENT subsidiary, insurance brokerage (1974-1980)
  • Spanish Company of Penicillin and Antibiotics (marketing) (1972-1974)
  • British Leyland (marketing) (1970-1972)
  • Bank of America (training) (1968-1970)