Board of Directors

Jorge Enrich Serra

Jorge Enrich Serra
Jorge Enrich Serra


  • Born in Madrid in 1969
  • BBA in International Business from Schiller International University
  • PDD at IESE

Other relevant positions:

  • Representative of the Director Ensivest Bros 2014, S.L. on the Board of Directors of Inoc, S.A. and La Previsión 96, S.A.
  • Member of the Advisory Committee of Grupo Compañía Española de Crédito y Caución, S.L.
  • Trustee of Fundación Occident
  • Founder and CEO of Withfor, the first ethical real estate agency in Barcelona
  • Founding member and director of The Praktik Hotels Group, Barcelona
  • Vice-president of the Board of Directors of Llafranc Tennis Club