Proxy and remote voting

1. Proxy form

In accordance with the provisions of articles 521 and 522 of the Capital Companies Act, participation in the General Meeting may be delegated by the shareholder by ordinary post, e-mail or any other means of remote communication, under the terms established by the Articles of Association and provided that the identity of the entity who participates is duly guaranteed, as well as the security of the communications. Additionally, the proxy may be granted through the completion of the attendance card and through its direct submission by the proxy to the staff in charge of the register of shareholders on the date that the General Meeting is held.

The depositary institution of its shares will send an attendance card on which the necessary details for the purpose of the proxy will appear. Alternatively, you may use the proxy form available on the company's website (www.grupocatalanaoccidente.com). This form may be sent under the terms indicated on the notice of call to the General Meeting, (i) by ordinary post (Avda. Alcalde Barnils, nº 63, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona), (ii) by fax (to 935 820 527), or (iii) by electronic means through the company's website under the terms established in the document "Proxy by electronic means" available on the corporate website. In any case, you must fill in the blank spaces correctly.

Consequently, under article 518 of the Capital Companies Act, the company makes this proxy form available to shareholders.

2. Remote voting form

In accordance with article 521 of the Capital Companies Act, the company's shareholders may exercise their right to vote on proposals included in the agenda of the General Meeting by remote communication, i.e. (i) by ordinary post (Avda. Alcalde Barnils, nº 63, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona), or (ii) by fax (935 820 527 ), by sending the corresponding attendance card to the company, with the section containing the remote voting formula duly completed. In addition, votes may be cast by electronic means through the company's website in the terms set out in the document "Remote voting by electronic means" available on the corporate website.

The depository institution of the shares will send the attendance card which includes the necessary details for the purpose of remote voting. Alternatively, it may use the remote voting form available on the company's website (www.grupocatalanaoccidente.com). Remember that it is necessary to fill in the blank spaces correctly.

Consequently, under article 518 of the Capital Companies Act, the company makes this remote voting form available to shareholders.

Where necessary, it is noted that the representations and votes received by ordinary post, fax or electronic means will be admitted provided that they are received at least twenty-four (24) hours before the start of the General Meeting, and provided that they meet the established requirements, without prejudice of what is indicated for the personal submission of the proxy card by the proxy to the staff in charge of the register of shareholders before the date on which the General Meeting is held.

For more information, please consult the notice of call to the General Meeting or contact the shareholder support number (935 825 001) from nine to seventeen and thirty hours (09:00 to 17:30), on business days.