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Plus Ultra Seguros shows its support to people with physical disabilities in the event "Sport without adjectives"

"For the fourth year, the insurer is sponsoring this conference, which is organised by the Spanish Sports Federation for Persons with Physical Disabilities, to encourage the collective to take part in sports."

Plus Ultra Seguros, a company of Grupo Catalana Occidente, has sponsored "Sport without adjectives," an event organised in Madrid by the Spanish Sports Federation for Persons with Physical Disabilities (FEDDF) to support adapted sport and the values it promotes. The conference, which took place on 27 and 28 October, included sportspeople with functional diversity of all ages. 

The sporting event aims to raise awareness about disability and demand inclusion, both in the world of sport and in society in general. During the event, attendees, with and without functional diversity, were able to practice different adapted sports, such as basketball, volleyball, football, slalom and badminton. 
Since 2017, the insurer has been collaborating with the FEDDF by sponsoring championships and conferences aimed at promoting adapted sport. In the words of the commercial managing director of Plus Ultra Seguros, Luis Vallejo, 'we are proud to support companies that, like FEDDF, give visibility to people with physical disabilities and encourage their inclusion in society.' In this regard, Vallejo stressed the importance of the "Sport without adjectives" initiative as an opportunity to promote "values with which we feel fully committed, such as achievement, teamwork or integration."

Contact for press and media

Jone Paredes

Jone Paredes